Student Enrollment

Daycare: age 2-3
Preschool: age:4
Kindergarten: age:5
Elementary: includes grades 1-5          ages:6-10
Middle School: includes grades 6-8    ages:11-13
High School: includes grades 9-12      ages:14-18
College: age:19-25

In Daycare they are potty trained and they learn how to walk.
*Payment for the year costs $5000 per child Per Semester $2500 per child
In Preschool they learn to talk and max their charisma skill
*Payment for the year costs $4000 per child Per Semester $2000 per child
In Kindergarten they learn to max out their creativity and logic.
*Payment for the year costs $2000 per child Per Semester $1000 per child
Elementary School: They learn:
Grade 1:Main focus Charisma, writing, reading, good hygiene
Grade 2:Main focus Creativity and art
Grade 3:Main focus Writing and reading and book reports
Grade 4:Main focus Logic and animal care
Grade 5:Main focus Body, dance, and theater
Middle School: They Learn:
Grade 6: Main Focus cooking,  cleaning, book reports
Grade7: Main Focus body, dance, music, theater, book reports
Grade 8: Main Focus writing, creativity, charisma, logic, book reports, and reading
*School Dances for 6-8 at the end of the year. They will be themed.
*Payment for the year costs$1000 per child this does not include field trip or dance fees. 
High School: They pick majors and minors they choose from cooking, cosmetology, tinkering, art, music, dance, sewing, journalism, yearbook.
Grade 9: book reports, reading, writing, mentor program (tutoring)
Grade 10: book reports, reading, writing, nature class (gardening, observing, catching fireflies and bugs)work study program
Grade 11: book reports, reading, writing, parenting simulation (taking care of hamsters or work at animal shelter) work study program
Grade 12: senior projects and work study program
*School Dances for 9-12 at the end of each year. They will be themed. Admission fees, venue booking,and themes are up to the student council.
*Clubs:  student council
*Payment for the year costs $1000 per child for each grade this does not include field trip or dance fees.

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